Hi! I'm Jae
My name is Jae Joi Wingfield
My parents saw fit to place at the center of my name
The principle that has become my central focus in life
The principle that has helped me discover my identity
and purpose
The way I’ve found peace in the chaos
My name is Joi
Spelled with an “I” and not a “y”
I believe my parents spelled it that way to be cute, but I’ve
found so much power in that single letter
In the English language I is one of very few letters that is a
complete word all by itself
It’s the only one that demands the respect to be capitalized
It was in this name, Joi, signified by the letter I
That I found the strength to stand as an individual
Even within my dedication to family as a daughter, sister, aunt, and mother
My journey to live a life deserving of that name, led me to discover the importance of self
As a woman, untethered to anyone else
And now I live my life every day
Determined to give this world the best me there is
To share the gifts God has blessed me with, and the talents my parents nurtured
Learning from everyone and every experience I encounter
Duplicating the process that made who I was, who I am, and who I will grow to become
I am Jae Joi Wingfield.
It’s nice to meet you.

Our Mission
Joi /’jOI/
: An enduring state of well-being and contentment, fueled by the awareness that “I am powerful!”
The mission of Joiful Living Group to provide our clients with the tools and skills necessary to take control of their work, home, and personal life in order to experience the happiness and peace that comes from living a Joiful Life!
Why Trust Me?
With over 20 years of education and training experience, I possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in strategic thinking organizational change.
I have always been driven by a strong desire to serve as a catalyst for everyone with whom I work to uncover and develop their individual passions and talents.
My passion for, background, and training in psychology, mindfulness, and leadership help me to be a responsive and supportive coach and trainer. My strengths-based approach to coaching helps to empower my clients to create the personal and professional lives they've always wanted.